First Responders NEED Resilience Training

This website is designed with you in mind.
You are trained to sleep with one eye open. You are dedicated to save others’ lives, because you have trained your whole life to do so. This website offers various options for you to learn how to be a better, more effective, and more balanced First Responder. As you have prepared countless hours for your job duties, this site provides hours of education to help you prepare for the impact of the experiences that your job may expose you to.
what is trauma
Trauma is a medical condition that impacts your body and brain. The nervous system collects information from all 5 senses and sends it to your brain to “categorize” this information. This information is used later for
protection – your brain and body have a built-in mechanism to protect what is most valuable – your life.
what is PTSD
PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a set of symptoms that indicate that you have been traumatically impacted by an experience. Because your body is designed to protect itself, it may “remind” you in uncomfortable ways of the
trauma (flashbacks, nightmares, physical sensations that resemble how you felt at the time of the trauma). These memories are stored for your protection and will resurface at different times. This can feel extremely overwhelming
and make you feel powerless.